
NAM-07 Evidential Breath Alcohol Tester

General Specifications

Vidential Precision

New generation electrochemical sensor technology provides accurate and reliable results. We are proud to introduce this high stability and accuracy to the use of traffic law enforcement applications and medical services.

Measurement Modes

NAM-07 measurement modes are automatic, manuel and passive. Design of these modes makes breath analysis possible not only for test subject which are able to exhale sufficiently for a measurement but also test subjects which are not able to exhale sufficiently for a measurement such as fainted subjects or medically disabled subjects.

User Ffriendly Menu

NAM-07 can be easily configured and operated with the 3-buttons on the equipment. Different language options, guidance user via button symbols on the screen, alert and error messaged through complete sentences are additional feaures that are designed to make life easier for NAM-07 users.

High Capacity Memory

Thanks to its high capacity memory NAM-07 is practical for longer use periods without any data backup requirement. NAM-07 provides search functions for data stored in its memory based on different criteria that can be configured via buttons on the equipment. Search results can be displayed on the equipment or can be printed with portable printer designed as an additional option to the standart product.

Printer (Optional)

Reports for measurement results and other information may be printed with a thermal or dot-matrix printer which is an optional add on to the standard product. Thermal printer has extra data input function with integrated keypad.

Keypad (Optional)

Various addional information (such as name, surname, ID no etc.) may also be recorded to NAM-07 via keypad provided on the thermal printer or external keypad.

Nam-Data, Data Transfer To Pc (Optional)

NAM-DATA is an optional software to transfer the data stored in NAM-07 to a PC. NAM-DATA can also archieve, search the archieves for a specific data, print data from archieves and record to a different media(like as CD, memory card…).

Technical Details

NAM-07 Breath Alcohol Tester Technical Specs

SensorNew Generation Electrochemical
MouthpieceSingle Use  (individually packed,  produced complying with hygiene rules)
Measurement ModesAutomatic/Manuel/Passive
Measurement Range0.00 - 5.00‰ aralığında
PrecisionWithin ± 0.05‰  for 0.00 - 1.00‰ range
±5% of measurement value for  1.0 - 5.00‰ range
Standart Deviation<0.008‰
Preparation TimeLess than 8s after the equipment is powered on
Display to Result20s after sampling
Operational Temperature-10˚C  to +50˚C
Minimum Volume1.2L (can be adjusted)
Language        Turkish, English, Russian (please ask other  languages)
Measurement Unit Results can be presented in all measurement systems  used in the world
Auto ShutdownCan be adjusted between 1-45minutes or can be disabled
DisplayIlluminated for night use, adjustable contrast for sunny  conditions
Real Time ClockYes. It is independent from device battery
Memory4500 to 20000 records depending on the data to be recorded
Memory Search FunctionYes. Data stored in NAM-07 memory can be directly search and prints on the device.
Software (Optional)Data stored on NAM-07 can be archieved to a PC via NAM-DATA software.
Printer (Optional)Portable Thermal or Dot-matrix Printer
Calibration     Every 6 months. Dry gas (automatic altitude adjustment) or vapor.
CE and certificates  Yes. Please ask.
PRN-08K Thermal Printer Technical Specs

Printing Method    Direct Thermal
BatteryRechargeable Ni-Mh
Interface           RS232, IrDA, Bluetooth
Paper Width57,5±0,5 mm
Paper DiameterMaximum 40 mm
IndicatorsLED (error, no paper, open cover, charge, normal/low battery)
Automatic offYes
LanguageTurkish, English, Russian (please ask others)
Self TestYes
PRN-12 Dot-Matrix Printer Technical Specs

Printing Method     Dot-matrix
BatteryŞarj edilebilir  Li-ion
InterfaceRS232, Bluetooth
Paper Width57,5±0,5 mm
Paper DiameterMaksimum 40 mm
IndicatorsKağıt yok, düşük batarya
LanguageTurkish, English (please ask others)
KPAD-11 External Keypad Technical Specs

System Alphanumeric
PowerFrom Breath Alcohol Tester battery
InterfaceRS232(wired serial interface)
IndicatorsLED (connection OK)
Otomatik KapanmaYes (with Breath Alcohol Tester)
NAM-DATA Data Transfer Software

It is possible two level delegation for NAM-DATA Data Transfer Software. Unauthorized users transfer the data stored in NAM-07 to a PC, archieve data in PC, search archieves for specific data, print data from archieves and record to a media (like as CD, memory…). In addition, authorized users clean tester memory, softare settings, to authorize and execute other high level operations.


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